Milestone Achievement: The Communism League of Uganda Opens Its First Office

 Hello members of the Communism League of Uganda,

I salute you all. I am happy that today we have opened our first office here in Uganda, “The CLU” office. Saturday November 16th 2024.

Our office shall serve as:

  1. A commanding center.
  2. A center for recruiting genuine communist cadres.
  3. A hub for all our communist ideological studies by comrades and well-wishers.
  4. The official source of information about communism and other ideologies. A well-equipped and stocked communist library shall also be established under the Communism Library Department.

I thank you all, comrades, for the patience, cooperation, and participation you have exhibited in our discussions and debates. Let us continue these efforts. I call upon everyone here to use this opportunity wisely to read, learn, and put socialist ideologies into practice in our mother country, Uganda, to fully realize Uhuru in political, social, and economic spheres.

Yes, we can achieve it! We can make it! But the first weapon we require is knowledge because knowledge is power. With power, I believe we can correct the defects of the past and present as we, the future generation, work together for the oppressed and exploited masses in Uganda, East Africa, Africa, and the entire world. Let us unite.

Chairman Mao once said:
"Unless you have equipped yourself with knowledge, you don’t have a right to speak."

This is true. Great men discuss ideas, and I add that great communists discuss Marxist-Leninist ideas. However, to present yourself and these ideas effectively, you need to first know and comprehend them comprehensively. We shall begin our communism ideology lectures very soon. After gaining a clear understanding of these ideas, we shall have an obligation to act on them and spread them to others.

Here in Uganda, we remain backward in development, partly due to politics that lack ideological foundations. We can be the game-changers for future generations, shaping their political stance and development.

As I conclude, I appreciate the collective efforts toward achieving this milestone of establishing our office, which will serve as the engine of our goals. In a special way, allow me to extend my appreciation to Comrade Wublixi for the fundamental support, both financial and non-financial—in terms of money, knowledge, guidance, and time. Europeans value time greatly, and as a modern economist, I also consider time a resource.

Comrade Wublixi, on behalf of the Communism League of Uganda, we are humbled by your endless support toward achieving this common objective. May the good Lord reward you abundantly.

From: Comrade Sozzi Joseph
Incoming MP of Mukono Municipality (2026–2031)

For God and My Country
“Masses of the whole world, unite!”


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